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Students with Special Needs

When a student experiences academic or behavioral concerns in school they are referred to the Response to Intervention (RTI) Data Team to discuss possible intervention strategies to support your child. This process attempts multiple, monitored interventions at 8-10 week intervals to ensure we, as a school district, have made every attempt to intervene on behalf of your child. If the interventions have been unsuccessful your child may be referred to the Committee of Special Education for an educational evaluation. Parents may also request an evaluation in writing but as a district we are still bound to attempt interventions before a student can be identified as having a disability.

The Committee on Special Education is responsible for determining a student as having an educational disability. The committee recommends services and placements that will provide your child with an education that enhances and supplements his/her abilities. The initial committee that determines eligibility consists of the Director of Special Education, possibly Building Principal, a regular and special education teacher serving the student, a school psychologist, service providers that may have performed assessments for your student, a parent of a child with a handicapping condition and the school physician (if requested). For more information please contact Tim Ristau, Director of Pupil Personnel Services & Special Education, or Jean Smith, Pupil Services Administrative Assistant.

"Exceptional human beings must be given exceptional educational treatment, treatment which takes into account their special difficulties. Further, we can show that despite abnormality, human beings can fulfill their social role within the community, especially if they find understanding, love and guidance.”

- Hans Asperger